*NEW* Sign up now to start making strides toward higher Stars ratings
As MA plans face market headwinds and changes to Stars cut points post-COVID, it’s more important than ever to focus on areas with the greatest (and fastest) opportunities for impact. Sign up for our new email series, kicking off in September.

This exclusive 3-part series includes: 

  • Decoding (and mastering) the new Stars cut points 
  • Actionable steps on how to boost your Stars rating
  • How population-wide fall prevention platforms deliver improved health outcomes

    Sign up now for the HOS Email Series



BaLearn why falls are a chronic condition: Nymbl’s Balance and Aging Report

Download Nymbl's free Balance and Aging Report for valuable insights into the problem of falls and learn how Nymbl can reduce medical spend for your plan.

Download the report here.


Untitled designNymbl x RISE Webinar
The Invisible Epidemic 

In our most recent webinar, Dr. Bob Mirsky, Nymbl’s Chief Medical Officer and former Aetna Medicare CMO, and Rex Wallace, a leading Medicare Advantage consultant, share their expertise on the epidemic of falls - a growing concern for Medicare Advantage plans.

Watch the recording here


Copy of Add a subheading (Instagram Post)Learn the True (Hidden) Cost of Falls for Medicare Advantage Populations

Plans face significant challenges in identifying fall-related claims using Medicare data due to inaccurate medical coding completed post point of care, increased comorbidity, and chronic disease prevalence. 

Download the Whitepaper here